Hallelujah! Finally you can proclaim your love of Alan Rickman by using these sexy iron on prints. And they're actually tasteful too, perfect for those cutesy rave tees.

Click on the tee shirt image, and the graphic will open in a new window. Simply print it out on transfer paper, which you can find online or at your local crafts store. The picture is reversed, but once you iron it on your shirt, it'll be facing the right direction. For best results, cut out the image along the borders before ironing.

For those of you who care about image resolutions, identical graphics at 300 pixel per inch resolution are listed at the bottom of the page. Print them out using your image program. (Printing them out directly off of the web browser will cause the image to be sized wrong.)

Pictures of blank tee shirts are taken from Cafeshops.

Your tee can hypothetically look like this! Graphic is 5 by 7 inches.

Your tee can hypothetically look like this! Graphic is 4.5 by 6 inches.

High resolution image files
     One
     Two

I do not sell any actual shirts! Just providing you with some useful graphics for your enjoyment. Feel free to share these with a friend, give them out to your coworkers, but please, do not be a hater and do anything lowdown, like selling these graphics, or shirts imprinted with these graphics. If I find that people are making a profit out of my designs, I will not be a happy camper. And I will be compelled to either slap huge, ugly copyright marks all over the designs, or remove these designs entirely. Thanks for your understanding.

I welcome you to send me a picture of your sexy self wearing your Alan shirt! And I'll put it on this page!

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